d72” VIZIO TV: With stand, must sell, $125. Call 406-885-4853. 2004 SLED BED ALUMINUM TRAILER: ATV, snowmobile utility drive-on, drive-off, side loader, 8x8, new plywood on deck and ramps, new tires, $1100 OBO. Kraig, KW TREE, 406-260-6316. ARIENS SNOW THROWER, LIKE NEW: Used two seasons only. First reasonable offer. Message please, 406-756-7772. DIRT BIKE: 2019 Cobra CX50 P3 Junior, one of the best on the market! Ridden by my granddaughter, excellent condition, $2500. 406-885-3677. LIGHTEN UP THAT ROOM! Unopened 14” Velux acrylic dome Sun Tunnel skylight. 48” rigid tubes & flashing. $400 new, asking $275. 406-253-3586, Philip. 9 ROOFING & 12 SIDING PROFILES 30+ COLORS IN STOCK SHOWCASING ALL PROFILES IN OUR LARGE SHOWROOM PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICE AND PRODUCTS FOR 23 YEARS 406•892•7525 1353 US Hwy 2 E, Kalispell, MT • 406-257-7296 At the junction of HWY 2 East and MT 35 in Evergreen www.goldrushpawn.com • Open 7 Days a Week! Find us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! We’re easy to nd & work with! We take credit & debit cards, make trades, take o ers, do cash loans, and buy items too! Need Cash Fast? Pawn It at Gold Rush Pawn! • No Credit Checks - Your items are your collateral • Competitive loan rates & secure storage • Fast, fair and confidential service How It Works: See Why Customers Love Us! • Bring in your valuables (jewelry, tools, etc) • Get a loan offer on the spot • Walk out with cash in hand! $$$ Don’t just take our word for it - check out our Google Reviews! Stop by or call today! Gold Rush Pawn Company - Here When You Need Us Most! “Quick and easy process - highly recommend!” “Friendly staff and fair prices!” Call Today for Free Estimate… Serving Western Montana Specializing in POLE BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED TOOLS YOU NEED AT PRICES YOU LOVE. Eureka • Libby • Ronan • Polson • Stevensville Kalispell • Evergreen • Whitefish • Columbia Falls FUZZY BUTZ Dogs • Cats • Birds Daycare & Overnight Boarding Grooming - Call for Appointment Boarding & Grooming 249 El Rancho Road, Kalispell 406-752-4320 Tree Removal Full Property Cleanup Fire Prevention Cleanup Brush Removal Hazardous Tree Removal Property Thinning Stump Grinding Licensed & Insured 406-270-9898 AAA TREE SERVICES 6-PLEX MODULAR Deluxe Finish 2012 16' x 80' 6 Studio Bed and Bath Units • Hardie Plank Siding Sheetrock Interior • Possible Rental Income Over $5,000/mo. Call Bill 406-249-2048 • Burton’s Satellite, Inc. Excellent Condition $119,500 1996 TOYOTA ENGINE: Must sell, give an offer! Have Honda snowblower too. Be creative! 406-361-1257. MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS, AS NEW: Quality, heavy, size medium, selection, $6 each. Message please, 406-756-7772. RYOBI 18V SHOP VAC: Like new, barely used. No battery. Tool only, $100 OBO. 406-260-3230. HUSQVARNA 12527HV SNOWBLOWER: 27”, two-stage, used very little, $750. 406-885-9103. COLLECTOR’S ITEMS: 3 Harley-Davidson color illustrated history books, $20 each or all 3 for $50, OBO. 406-241-8464. 1968 CHEVY 327 ENGINE: $750. 406-249-6592. 1959 FORD 671 TRACTOR: From museum, $2000. 1994 Chevy high top van, 161K miles, $2800. 208-571-1211, North Idaho. HUSQVARNA 55 BLACK CHAINSAW: Full rebuild, new cylinder, piston, crank bearings, seals, carb, fuel lines and chain. Performance muffler, $300. 406-261-7965. Valid 2/13/25 - 2/26/25 END OF SEASON Some Exclusions Apply. See store for details. THE VOLUME 52 • NUMBER 7 • FEBRUARY 13, 2025 1002 1ST AVENUE EAST, KALISPELL • 406-257-2251 1st Avenue East & 10th Street • www.mountaintrader.com Office Hours: Monday - Wednesday 8:30 - 5:30 • Thursday 9 - 2 DISPLAY DEADLINE - TUESDAY 2:00 PM • CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - TUESDAY 5:30 PM 5 FREE COPIES Serving Northwest Montana Since 1972 Published Every Thursday LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED By NW Mountain Trader Inc. Ad Form: Page 19 Deals On Wheels: Page 13 4-Footers, Feed, Fowl & Farm: Page 15 Help Wanted: Page 17 Homes, Parcels & Property: Page 16 Miscellaneous: Pages 1 - 9 & 20 Rentals: Page 17 Services: Pages 18 - 19 Sports & Rec: Pages 10 - 12 Tools & Equipment: Page 8 Sudokus & Comics: Pages 7 & 14
HOGS GOING TO BUTCHER: Butchered, cut & wrapped, $1300 each. Hogs finished on produce. 406-897-4159. BUILDING SUPPLIES/APPLIANCES: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY RESTORE. Wednesday thru Saturday, 10-5, 2535 Hwy 93. 406-752-2905. FREE CLINIC FRIDAYS: Well-woman care included. Community Birth Center. Call Sharise for appointment, 406-871-0200. PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS IN NW MONTANA: We specialize in personal injury litigation and workers’ compensation. Call the attorneys at Travis, Moore & Brann, PLLP at 406-752-7550 for a free consultation. DO YOU HAVE A GAMBLING PROBLEM? “Gamblers Anonymous Support Group” on Facebook for 24-7 support. Zoom meeting every day at 5 PM. Room 852 6958 4578, password 808646. SILVER! Selling as a lot! 73 one-ounce rounds, 12 two-ounce rounds, 47 pre-64 dollars, and 20 pre-64 1/2 dollars. $5340 cash only! Call 406-890-8249. Less than current auction with no 15% commission. ronaldealbrecht@yahoo.com GAS ICE AUGER: Ice houses, and large stuffed animals. 406-249-3644. FIREWOOD: Fir and larch mix. $220 you haul, $275 delivered per cord. 406-253-1541. BUMPERS: Get a real bumper. See the line of Buckstop bumper-grill guards at CURRIER’S CERTIFIED WELDING, 406-752-2366. ROCKY MOUNTAIN RADAR: Is now offering concrete radar scanning and ground penetrating radar. “Your eyes underground.” 406-253-0228. LOOKING FOR NEW FLOORS AND WANT TO DO IT YOURSELF? Come see the DIY experts at HOFFENBACKER’S DISCOUNT FLOORS AND MORE. We can help you do it right. Drive a little, save a lot! Located at 196 Sunrise Creek Loop, Columbia Falls. 406-892-2878, www.Hoffenbackers.com WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE: Antique gas pumps and very old tractors. Text photos or call 406-314-9314. WHEELS RUSTY? Powder coat. POWDER COATING OF KALISPELL, 406-755-2628. Page 2 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • February 13, 2025 • Number 7 MISCELLANEOUS Serving Western Montana Call Today for Free Estimate… Specializing in POLE BUILDINGS Constructed 406-270-1656 GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES! • NO RESORT TAX IN WHITEFISH EXTRA 20% OFF WE FEATURE MADE IN USA PRODUCTS • LOWEST PRICES! HWY 2 EAST, KALISPELL • 756-3500 & HWY 93 SOUTH, WHITEFISH • 863-1234 www.MontanaArmyNavy.com We have layaway! HOURS Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 7:00 26th ANNUAL TEENA FRANK MEMORIAL ICE FISHING DERBY FEB 22, 2025 - Lake Mary Ronan FREE FAMILY FISH DAY! • Sign-in will be at Chancy and Dave’s Fish Camp and also Mountain Meadow Resort. • All Fish Wildlife and Parks rules apply. • Weigh-ins are at Mountain Meadows and all participants must weigh in by 1 PM. • Fishing begins anytime Saturday morning and fish must be caught the day of the derby and be fresh. SPONSORED BY: Chancy and Dave’s Fish Camp • Walleyes Unlimited • Mountain Meadows Brandon Bailey • Flathead Bait • Wilkinson Construction • Heaviest Perch (1) or Pike (1) 3 Places Will Be Awarded • Prizes for Kids Ages 1-6, 7-12 & 13-17. Also Women and Old-Timers 70 & Up GREAT FAMILY FUN EVENT!! PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR: DOOR PRIZES! YOU’VE WORKED HARD FOR YOUR HOME, NOW LET YOUR HOME EQUITY WORK FOR YOU! Step into financial freedom with a Reverse Mortgage! We have a home loan option that can help you enjoy well-deserved peace of mind in retirement! Call for details! Mary Murray Reverse Mortgage Certified Loan Advisor 406-314-0742 or visit: mortgagewithmary.com Equal Housing Opportunity. All loans subject to underwriting approval. Certain restrictions apply. NMLS3029, NMLS289117 CROSSCOUNTRY MORTGAGE™ MARY MURRAY ENGINES • TRANSMISSIONS • WHEELS TIRES • BODY PARTS Buying junk vehicles running or not. We pick up anywhere in the Flathead Valley. Call today! 406-755-6009 Commercial & Residential Custom Service & Installation US and State Flags 31 Years in Business Flagpoles Flathead 406-257-0533 email: athead agpoles @gmail.com 7’ SKID-STEER SNOWBLOWER $3100. 406-450-1968
ARE YOU HAVING A HARD TIME CONTROLLING THE WAY YOU EAT? Food Addicts in Recovery “FA” is a 12-step program of recovery for addiction to food. We meet every Monday, 5 PM, Alano Club, Lily Room. FIRST STEP SUPPORT GROUP: For battered women and their children. Every Monday night. Information, 406-752-4735. FIREWOOD: Fir and larch, split, delivered, $300 cord or 2 cords for $575. KW Total Tree Service, Kraig Wood. Senior citizen and Veteran discounts. 406-260-6316. HAVE YOU LOST A LOVED ONE TO SUICIDE? Support group meets 2nd Tuesday of month, Gateway Mall, 1275 Hwy 2 W, Kalispell. 7-8:30 PM. 910-627-9386. FEMALE YORKIE PUPPY: Pet door trained, good kids’ puppy, very smart and playful, $800. 406-257-8124. LITERACY VOLUNTEERS: Offers free classes in Reading, Writing, Math & English as a second language. 406-257-7323. 2019 CARGO MATE 8 X 24 ENCLOSED CAR HAULER TRAILER: Save $3000! Asking only $9500 cash for quick sale. 1070 North Meridian, Kalispell, MT. Ron, 406-890-8249. GET YOUR DECK READY FOR WARMER WEATHER: We do deck repairs, upgrades, complete rebuild, and custom deck builds. Give Western Rockies Construction LLC a call for a free deck inspection. Locally veteran-owned and operated. 406-871-8101. FREE: Unwanted car removal, available 24/7. Estate cleanup & auction services available. Jeff, 406-212-2601. WANTED: Gold & silver, paying over spot. 908-385-2700 or 406-420-2929. FLAMING ARROW ARCHERY: Across from the Evergreen Fire Hall. Archery pro shop providing quality archery equipment and services. FLAMING ARROW ARCHERY, 2237 Hwy 2 East, Kalispell. 406-752-0702. NORTH IDAHO ENERGY LOGS: Premium recycled 100% natural wood fiber pellets. A cleaner burning, energy efficient heating alternative. Go to www.NorthIdahoEnergyLogs.com to find a dealer near you. WINDMILL STORAGE: Online auction for units: 324 belonging to ROBERT HALL, 524 belonging to ANGELINA JAMES, 532 belonging to RYAN HANSEN, 823 belonging to JENNIFER GOLAN, G38 belonging to JOEL BECKHAM. Auction will be held beginning Monday, March 3, 2025, at 9:00 AM, at Bid13.com, ending at 9:00 AM on Thursday, March 6, 2025. The winning bidders will have until Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 6:00 PM to remove all contents of the units from Windmill Storage’s property. Cash deposit of $200 and valid photo ID must be provided to Windmill Storage before access to the units is given. Deposit will not be returned until the units have been successfully cleaned out. Cash and credit/debit card payments will be accepted for the purchase price of the units. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Montana hotline number, 833-800-8553. Number 7 • February 13, 2025 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • Page 3 MISC New World Techniques Serving The Flathead Valley For Over 45 Years Glacier Denture Center Old World Craftsmanship With 10% OFF NEW DENTURES & PARTIALS Insurance & Accepted GLACIERDENTURECENTER.COM 406-257-5283 • 1340 AIRPORT RD. KALISPELL Dentures-Partials-Relines-Repairs 406-607-6105 • 406-250-6969 15 Meridian Court • Kalispell TREATING: DOT’s • Auto Accident • Rehab • Lower Back Pain Disc Injuries • Neck Pain • Dry Needling Work Comp • VA • Medicare • Medicaid All Group Insurances Wanda M. Robinson D.C. ROBINSON CHIROPRACTIC & REHAB CENTER OAK PUB TABLE & 2 SWIVEL STOOLS $75. 406-471-7804 YOUR LOCAL GLASS SOLUTION 406-852-7346 STOP WAITING! WINDOW REPAIRS & REPLACEMENTS SENIOR & VET DISCOUNTS BIG SKY GLASS Friday ~ Karaoke in the Ballroom • 7 PM - 12 AM Kalispell Eagle’s Club & Lounge Everyone is welcome at the Eagle’s Club Pool Tables-Casino-Retail Liquor 37 1st St. West, Downtown Kalispell • 752-7265 Thursday ~ Happy Hour • 5 - 8 PM $1 Off Drinks • Bar Bingo • 6 - 8 PM ~ Tuesday ~ Taco Tuesday • 5 - 8 PM or Gone ~ Monday ~ Cornhole in the Ballroom • 6 PM ~ Wednesday ~ Line Dance with Lauren • 6:30 PM Saturday ~ Live Music! Dance to Out On Bail • 7 - 11 PM Sunday ~ Bingo in Basement • 1 PM MAYTAG KITCHEN STOVE Excellent condition, 5-burner glass top, oven never used. $800 new. Sell for $550. 406-885-6740 406-755-3880 • 4070 Hwy 93 S • Kalispell northlakediesel@gmail.com Maldonado Roo ng Specialist in Re-Roofs & New Construction All Work 100% Guaranteed • Licensed & Insured Juan • (406) 471-8825 Javier • (406) 471-3755 Luis • (406) 471-6516 maldoroo ng@yahoo.com Located & Trusted in the Flathead Valley Since 2010 WANTED TO BUY Complete Cars & Trucks for scrap or parts $25 minimum for complete vehicles 892-8111 23-0702 Outdoor Wood Furnaces, LLC Kalispell, MT 406-885-4328 The Ultimate Wood Heat. 2000 UP TO TAX CREDIT* $ *On qualifying models and installation. Call for details. Titanium HDX Outdoor Wood Furnaces Classic Edge™ FOYCO Metal Roofing & Siding EDCO STEEL SIDING Quality Installation Since 1967 • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured 406-253-5536 Mike Foy OWNER Over 125 Rifles, Shotguns and Pistols, Large Amount of Ammo and Vintage Ammo and Boxes, 2016 Dodge Journey 4x4 - 58K Miles, Non-Running 2009 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup, Large “Need for Buffalo” Bronze by Lorenzo Ghiglieu, Original Artwork by Lawshe, Bodily, Surber, Munns, Patterson, McLaughlin, New Appliances, Furniture, Antiques, Collectibles, Jewely, Coins, Commercial Dog Wash Station ONLINE AUCTION GOING ON NOW AT GARDNERAUCTION.COM GARDNER AUCTION SERVICE 752-7682 • Kalispell, Hwy 93 South “Serving Montana Since 1960” For viewing and to bid, log onto gardnerauction.com or stop by Items Start Closing Monday, Feb 17th at 5 PM Large Amount of New Furniture, Appliances, Household Items, Items from Several Estates and Families Moving Items Close Monday, March 3rd World-Class Wildlife Mount Auction - Record Moose Mounts, Elk Mounts, Mule Deer, Sheep - Including “Grand Slam”, Full-Body Mount Bears, Lions and Sheep and Many More Items Close Monday, March 17th
CUSTOM ENTRY GATES & RAILINGS: CURRIER’S CERTIFIED WELDING, 406-752-2366, www.currierswelding.com DAV (DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS) MEETING: 3rd Thursday of each month, 5:30 PM. We welcome members from all Services & all Conflicts. Flathead DAV reaches out to all Veterans with a VA disability rating, assisting with benefits & transportation. Please join us at VFW Meeting Room, 1st Avenue West, Kalispell. Information, 406-253-7082. MOBILE HOME TIRES, AXLES, WHEELS: PATTY SEAMAN HOMES, 4000 Hwy 2 East. 406-253-5197, 406-755-5868. MISCELLANEOUS Page 4 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • February 13, 2025 • Number 7 VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE DETAILS WWW.MONTANASPORTSMANSEXPO.COM Big Buck Contest • Fly Casting Contest • Gifts for the First 50 Guests Each Day Hourly Door Prizes • Exhibitors from Montana & Beyond Bring a non-perishable food item and receive 1 per person per day. Donations benefit the NW Montana Veteran’s Food Pantry $1.00 OFF ADMISSION SAVE THE DATE! COME JOIN US. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! HUNTING І FISHING І ARCHERY І CAMPING AND MORE! FLATHEAD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS TRADE CENTER February 21st, 2025 • 11:00-6:00 February 22nd, 2025 • 10:00-5:00 February 23rd, 2025 • 10:00-4:00 Adult Admission: $6.00 Kids 12 & Under: FREE WIN ONE OF FOUR $250 ARMY NAVY GIFT CARDS DAILY Enter our TRAIL CAMERA CONTEST! Bring in your best trail camera photo to enter. Win a 4-night South African hunt for two hunters! A $6,430 value! Unlimited raffle tickets available. Proceeds benefit the NW Montana Veteran’s Food Pantry. Drawing Feb 23rd at 4 PM Great Lakes Enterprises GENERAL CONSTRUCTION www.glebuildings.com 80’ x 200’ x 16’ Pole Building Two 14’ x 14’ Overhead Doors Custom Built to Meet Your Needs! A Family Owned & Operated Business! BBB Rating: A+ Mark Garber, 40 Years’ Experience 406-253-4545 mbgarber66@yahoo.com POLE BUILDINGS: Boat Storages, Stall Barns, Shops, Indoor Riding Arenas, Commercial Buildings & Mini Storages! 1271 N. Meridian • Kalispell • 406-752-9662 mandctire.com • Mon - Fri, 8 AM - 5:30 PM Locally owned and operated tire store with volume buying power plus nationwide tire and repair warranties! Why not make M&C Tire YOUR Tire Store? • Brake Repair • Lube, Oil & Filter Change • Maintenance • Wheel Alignment • And More! LOG CABIN LIQUIDATION 80% OFF! Beautiful log cabin set with all plans for big 3-bedroom loft design, tall walls, porch, fireplace, 1740 SF. 100% of pre-cut wall logs, beam-size rafters, covered porch, and plans/instructions. Can haul reasonably. COD, pay on delivery. Was $93,570 now $18,800! Info and photos, 214-771-6887. I PAY CASH: For vintage guitars, banjos, mandolins, tube amplifiers and keyboards! Fender, Gibson, Martin and more! 406-270-4513. CUSTOM SANDBLASTING: POWDER COATING OF KALISPELL, 406-755-2628. PRIVATE UTILITY LINE LOCATING: Call before you dig. ROCKY MOUNTAIN RADAR, 406-253-0228. SNOW REMOVAL: Roofs, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots. Commercial, residential. Licensed & insured. Senior discount. 406-253-7811.
ARROW WELDING: Expert repair welding. All common metals. Reasonable, reliable & fast. Metal sawing. Broken screw & bolt removal. Light fabrication. 86 6th Avenue WN, Kalispell, shop in alley. 406-755-9164. GRASS/ALFALFA MIX SQUARE BALES: $8 & $10. 406-892-3974. TRAILER HITCHES: 5th-wheels, goosenecks, electrical wiring, tow bars, truck beds, bumpers. CURRIER’S CERTIFIED WELDING, 406-752-2366. BOSS REMODELING: One call can do it all, big or small, interior or exterior. Call 406-253-0532. NEW SNOWDOGG SNOWPLOWS: Wholesale pricing for limited time. 406-253-1541. 4 STEERS GOING TO BUTCHER: 1200-1800 lbs, grass finished, $4/lb. Grain finished, $3/lb. Prices are with butchering and wrapping. We sell quarters, halves and whole. 406-897-4159. NAMI (NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS) FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: Meets first and third Mondays, 6 PM, Gateway Community Center. 406-854-2323. PROFESSIONAL PROBLEM TREE REMOVAL: Handyman work, roof rake, snowplowing. 406-897-0895. MONTANA TOBACCO QUIT LINE PROGRAM: Want to quit tobacco? The Montana Quit Line has free nicotine replacement therapy and free proactive cessation coaching sessions. 1-800-QUIT-NOW, https://montana.quitlogix.org/en-US/ NEED THAT OLD LOGGING TRUCK: Or heavy equipment sandblasted? Call POWDER COATING of Kalispell & let’s get it done. 406-755-2628. FULL CORDS FIREWOOD: Dry Doug fir, split and delivered, $345. 406-257-8603, 406-871-9529, call or text. RBM LUMBER IS BUILDING: Some of the most beautiful custom doors available. All made from local Montana wood & with character truly unique to RBM’s product line. RBM LUMBER also produces & retails flooring, mouldings, T&G paneling, siding & much more for your project. A truly Montana family-owned business for 38 years. On Hwy 206 across from the waterslides. 406-892-4208. Number 7 • February 13, 2025 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • Page 5 MISCELLANEOUS 406-407-3266 • lakesidemtchiro.com 7176 HW 93 South - Lakeside 196 Sunrise Creek Loop, Ste 51 • Columbia Falls 406-892-2878 • www.Hoffenbackers.com Just Make the Right Call! Chiropractic • Functional Medicine Physical Therapy • Nutrition Consulting In-House Blood Work Soft Tissue Techniques • Massage 406-756-5818 HISTORIC MAIN STREET Additional Savings On Already Marked-Down Products All Spring Long! SPRING GAMBLERS’ SALE Shop Now or Gamble That It Will Still Be Here Tomorrow! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK | 48 Main St. | Downtown Kalispell | 406-756-5818 westernod.com - Family Owned & Operated Since 1970 Now thru Feb 23rd • Additional 20% OFF ALL SALE ITEMS Feb 24th - Mar 9th • Additional 30% OFF ALL SALE ITEMS Mar 10th - Mar 23rd • Additional 40% OFF ALL SALE ITEMS Mar 24th - Apr 7th • Additional 50% OFF ALL SALE ITEMS AMERICA’S #1 RETAIL MORTGAGE LENDER! With over 25 years’ experience helping families with home financing let me help you! Purchase or refinance Conventional, FHA, VA, USDA RD & specialty programs. Mary Murray Loan Advisor, Reverse Mortgage Certified 406-314-0742 or visit: mortgagewithmary.com Equal Housing Opportunity. All loans subject to underwriting approval. Certain restrictions apply. NMLS3029, NMLS289117 CROSSCOUNTRY MORTGAGE™ MARY MURRAY OUT ON BAIL Live at the Eagles, Saturday, Feb. 15, 7-11 PM. Rock hits and good vibes! 37 1st Street West, Kalispell. For quality items. Tools, vehicles, furniture, equipment & more. GARDNER AUCTION SERVICE • 752-7682 BUY • SELL • TRADE! Misty Mountain Trading Post 406-890-2063 • 1498 MT Hwy 35 Check Out Our New Website!! mistymountaintradingpost.com Corner of Shady Lane & Hwy 35 • Wed - Sat, 10-5 Highest Prices Paid for Gold & Silver Bullion and Scrap Gold & Silver! Coins • Guns • Collectibles • Gifts Lots of Gifts Gun Transfers Available Lots of Turquoise & Silver Jewelry and Militaria NORTHWEST DEALER FOR FIRST TACTICAL CLOTHING & GEAR! CHECK OUT OUR LAYAWAY PROGRAM!
Page 6 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • February 13, 2025 • Number 7 MISCELLANEOUS 855-677-2276 www.MQSBARN.com REACH US BY EMAIL info@mqsbarn.com OFF USING THIS QR CODE AT THE SHOW! JOIN US at the Home & Garden Showcase March 1st and 2nd, 2025 at the Flathead County Fairgrounds Specializing in Post Frame Buildings Stone Ridge Business Complex Suite B - 5035 HWY 2 W Columbia Falls, MT 59912 60 x 100 x 16 $7,500 DISCOUNT 80 x 152 x 16 $13,000 DISCOUNT 70 x 120 x 16 $7,500 DISCOUNT 50 x 80 x 16 $5,000 DISCOUNT AG SPECIALS 24 x 32 x 10 $3,000 DISCOUNT 30 x 60 x 12 $4,000 DISCOUNT | Garage Hobby Shop | | Storage Building | 30 x 40 x 10 $3,750 DISCOUNT 30 x 48 x 16 $5,000 DISCOUNT | Garage Hobby Shop | | RV Storage | 40 x 60 x 12 $6,000 DISCOUNT 30 x 36 x 10 $4,500 DISCOUNT | Garage Hobby Shop | | Horse Barn | • PRICES MAY VARY DUE TO LOCATIONS • SPECIALS OFFERED FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY BUYING: Abandoned, unwanted, or junk vehicles, & tractors. Title preferred. Estate cleanup & auction services available. 406-212-2601. GET YOUR DECK READY FOR WARMER WEATHER: We do deck repairs, upgrades, complete rebuild, and custom deck builds. Give Western Rockies Construction LLC a call for a free deck inspection. Locally veteran-owned and operated. 406-871-8101. FIREWOOD: Dry fir and larch mix. You haul cords, $215. Delivered within 10 miles of Kalispell, $240. Fuel fee for further. Call or text 406-407-8826. SILVER! Selling as a lot! 73 one-ounce rounds, 12 two-ounce rounds, 47 pre-64 dollars, and 20 pre-64 1/2 dollars. $5340 cash only! Call 406-890-8249. Less than current auction with no 15% commission. ronaldealbrecht@yahoo.com ANTLERS WANTED: Deer, elk, moose. Paying cash. 406-897-4511. DO U NO SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR? Take our free 90-minute class. Veterans Coalition of NW Montana, 406-260-1954. 2019 ENCLOSED CARGO AND/OR CAR HAULER TRAILER: 8x24 Cargo Mate, beavertail rear ramp door. Asking $9650 OBO. Cash only! No holds! 1070 North Meridian, Kalispell. Ron, 406-890-8249. ronaldealbrecht@yahoo.com ROCKY MOUNTAIN RADAR: Is now offering concrete radar scanning and ground penetrating radar. “Your eyes underground.” 406-253-0228. MONTANA SPORTSMAN’S EXPO AT THE FAIRGROUNDS: Is back February 21, 22, and 23, 2025. Please see ad on page 4 and our website for more details. www.MontanaSportsmansExpo.com
SUDOKU PUZZLES! Number 7 • February 13, 2025 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • Page 7
2015 JCB 30E MANLIFT: All electric, includes charger, will reach 19 feet. $6900. 406-309-5849. JONSERED 630 CHAINSAW: New rebuild with Big Bore 272 Cylinder, 71cc, $400. 406-261-7965. HUSQVARNA 12527HV SNOWBLOWER: 27”, two-stage, used very little, $750. 406-885-9103. RYOBI 18V SHOP VAC: Like new, barely used. No battery. Tool only, $100 OBO. 406-260-3230. NEW HOBART WELDING EQUIPMENT: Hobart Ironman 230 wire-fed welder with full tank of argon, $2600. Hobart AirForce 27i plasma cutter, $1465. Hobart spool gun for aluminum welding, $640. I googled prices but correct me if I am incorrect. Reasonable offers appreciated. Cash only. 406-890-8249, ronaldealbrecht@yahoo.com HUSQVARNA 55 BLACK CHAINSAW: Full rebuild, new cylinder, piston, crank bearings, seals, carb, fuel lines and chain. Performance muffler, $300. 406-261-7965. d72” VIZIO TV: With stand, must sell, $125. Call 406-885-4853. HONDA 2200 GENERATOR: Like new, 25 hours, $750. New Hobart Ironman 230 wire-fed welder with full tank of argon, $2600. New Hobart AirForce 27i plasma cutter, $1465. New Hobart spool gun, DP-3545-20, aluminum MIG welding, $640. Make reasonable offers. Cash only. 406-890-8249. Page 8 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • February 13, 2025 • Number 7 TOOLS & EQUIP Flathead Transit Missoula • Pablo • Kalispell • Whitefish For Info Call Weekdays: 406-275-2792 Weekends: 406-675-5000 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 11:50 AM 12:00 PM FLAG STOP 12:15 PM 1:00 PM 1:25 PM 2:10 PM 2:30 PM 3:10 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:55 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM FLAG STOP 6:50 PM 7:05 PM 7:30 PM PABLO 52001 US Hwy 93 • 406-275-2792 (Weekends: 406-675-5000) MISSOULA 1660 West Broadway 406-549-2339 EVARO 20750 US Hwy 93, Missoula 406-275-2792 ARLEE 92345 US Hwy 93 406-275-2792 RAVALLI 27330 US Hwy 93 406-275-2792 ST. IGNATIUS 240 Mountain View Drive 406-275-2792 PABLO 52001 US Hwy 93 • 406-275-2792 (Weekends: 406-675-5000) POLSON 49708 US Hwy 93 406-275-2792 LAKESIDE 7170 US Hwy 93 406-275-2792 KALISPELL 195 3rd Ave EN (Smith Foods) 406-275-2792 WHITEFISH #9 Spokane Ave 406-275-2792 WHITEFISH #9 Spokane Ave 406-275-2792 KALISPELL 195 3rd Ave EN (Smith Foods) 406-275-2792 LAKESIDE 7170 US Hwy 93 406-275-2792 POLSON 49708 US Hwy 93 406-275-2792 PABLO 52001 US Hwy 93 • 406-275-2792 (Weekends: 406-675-5000) ST. IGNATIUS 240 Mountain View Drive 406-275-2792 RAVALLI 27330 US Hwy 93 406-275-2792 ARLEE 92345 US Hwy 93 406-275-2792 EVARO 20750 US Hwy 93, Missoula 406-275-2792 MISSOULA 1660 West Broadway 406-549-2339 SOUTH BOUND NORTH BOUND . . wwwNorthIdahoEnergyLogscom Energy Logs are always dry allowing them to burn clean and hot. Cordwood may not be seasoned properly causing a dirty, inefficient burn. NORTH IDAHO ENERGY LOGS TIGHTLY STACKED FIREWOOD A Cleaner Burning, Energy Efficient Heating Alternative. SPECIALTY REBUILDERS REBUILT & NEW UNITS Custom rebuild of auto, antique, farm and construction equipment. “NO UNIT TOO OLD OR BURNT UP”. Plow and salt spreader motors, alternators, generators, regulators, starters, battery charger repair (6 to 48-volt on golf carts), scissor lift/boom lift equipment, DC motor repair on golf carts and scissor lifts and electric forklifts (up to 48-volt). Call Cliff, 406-897-2514, Columbia Falls. 2021 HUSQVARNA 21.5-HP Kawasaki, 48” deck, 42” snowblower, 134 hours, $2695. 406-261-3766
LISTEN TO WIN Scott & Dave in the Morning 943THELAKE.COM CONCERT TICKETS FROM 94.3 & 103.9! GET MORE DETAILS ON THESE CONCERTS AND MUCH MORE ON OUR WEBSITES BRANTLEY GILBERT in Missoula Feb 13 - 20, then KELSEA BALLERINI in Spokane Feb 21 - 27 ONLY ON THE LAKE! And soon to come concert tickets to HEART in Spokane! PHOTO ID 75557721 | CALIFORNIA CONCERT © BELATORMEDIA | DREAMSTIME.COM MONSTER1039.COM 943THELAKE.COM MONSTER1039.COM Listen to Win Tickets To Number 7 • February 13, 2025 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • Page 9
433 Grand Dr, Bigfork, MT 59911 BUY • SELL • TRADE CONSIGN • TRANSFERS 406-420-2929 CLASS III DEALER Page 10 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • February 13, 2025 • Number 7 SPORTS & REC 875 Helena Flats Road • protechdetailing.net 406-755-7518 Traditional Design Meets Unsurpassed Value! YOUR BEST CHOICE FOR TOPPERS FLATHEAD 2740 Hwy 93 S • Kalispell • Mon-Fri 9-5 406-755-5080 • www.s-scampers.com OFFERING • Roof Rack Solutions • Shelving • Accessories • Bulkheads • Storage Modules Van Storage Solutions! 6.5 GRENDEL WITH HOWA 1500 MINI-ACTION: Boyd’s right-hand thumbhole stock, glass bedded, $700. 406-465-7815. 2012 OPEN RANGE 5TH-WHEEL: 34.5’, three slides, one owner, immaculate. 406-253-5197 or 406-755-5868. 2013 NORTHWOOD NASH DLX 23D: Exceptional condition, four seasons, slide, private bedroom, must see, $17,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com 3MP CUSTOM LEATHER: Makes leather holsters, shoulder rigs, chest rigs, IWB concealed carry holsters, belt holsters for just about any firearm, right or left hand, heavy-duty belts and knife sheaths. 3MP also makes several different accessories for muzzleloader hunters. For more information call 406-756-0566 and ask for Mike. RUGER BLACKHAWK .45 LONG COLT: Stainless steel, original case, holster, excellent condition, $800 firm. Ammo available. 406-270-9092. 2019 ENCLOSED CARGO AND/OR CAR HAULER TRAILER: 8x24 Cargo Mate, beavertail rear ramp door. Asking $9650 OBO. Cash only! No holds! 1070 North Meridian, Kalispell. Ron, 406-890-8249. ronaldealbrecht@yahoo.com DIRT BIKE: 2019 Cobra CX50 P3 Junior, one of the best on the market! Ridden by my granddaughter, excellent condition, $2500. 406-885-3677. 2018 WOLF PUP 16FQ: Only 3000 lbs, walk-around bed, furnace, AC, kitchen, bathroom, $13,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com GLOCK 19 MOS: 8 mags, Glock night sights, other upgrades, $625. Call/text 406-897-4318. WEATHERBY RIFLES: Vanguard Backcountry .257 WBY Mag, $1000. Vanguard .22-250 Rem, Bell & Carlson stock, $800 OBO. 406-885-9103. PURCELL PREMIUM PELLETS: Premium recycled 100% natural wood fiber pellets. A cleaner burning, energy efficient heating alternative. Go to www.PurcellPellets.com to find a dealer near you. 1969 15’ SCAMPER: Cute little vintage trailer, $2500. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com COLLECTOR’S ITEMS: 3 Harley-Davidson color illustrated history books, $20 each or all 3 for $50, OBO. 406-241-8464. FACTORY AMMO FOR SALE: .22 LR, .270, .30-06. Call for fair prices. 406-260-3230. GOLF CART FOR SALE: Very nice 2015 electric Club cart, excellent condition, may need tires soon, $4990. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com FN REFLEX 9mm PISTOL: With four 15-round magazines, three 11-round magazines, TALON grip, CrossBreed IWB holster with single magazine holder. Only test fired and with original box. Have $750 invested, asking $500. Call 406-270-8423. 2019 HIDEOUT 19FLBWE TRAVEL TRAILER: With front couch, mid kitchen, booth dinette, rear corner bed with bunk above it and large bathroom, $14,900. Great condition. Call Steve for more details, 406-212-1208. WESTERN OUTDOOR’S SPRING GAMBLERS’ SALE: Starting now through April 7, 2025. Additional savings on already marked-down products all spring long. See ad on page 5 for more details. Montana’s largest western retailer, open 7 days a week. WESTERN OUTDOOR, 48 Main Street, Kalispell. 406-756-5818. 2016 SALEM CRUISE LITE T175FB: Queen walk-around bed, dinette, full bath, $9995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com S&W M&P 9mm SHIELD PISTOL: 2 mags, 3 boxes of ammo, holster, great condition, $325. Matt, 406-310-6841. CUSTOM HUNTING RIFLE: Springfield A3 bolt-action, 7mm Rem Mag, barrel by Sharon Rifle Barrel, Leupold 2-7x Vari-X II scope, sling. Needs minor repair on rear scope mount. Private sale, $550 or trade for S&W .22 revolver. 406-253-6104. FLAMING ARROW ARCHERY: Across from the Evergreen Fire Hall. Archery pro shop providing quality archery equipment and services. FLAMING ARROW ARCHERY, 2237 Hwy 2 East, Kalispell. 406-752-0702. 2018 STARCRAFT LAUNCH HYBRID: Lightweight, lots of room, loaded, $13,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com GAS ICE AUGER: Ice houses, and large stuffed animals. 406-249-3644. RUGER SP101 .357 MAG: NIB, $775. SIG P320 .40 S&W, NIB, $575. Glock G36 .45 ACP, NIB, $525. Ruger Redhawk .44 Mag, 7.5” barrel, stainless, holster, $975. Beretta APX FDE 9mm, NIB, $300. 406-253-2834. MONTANA SPORTSMAN’S EXPO AT THE FAIRGROUNDS: Is back February 21, 22, and 23, 2025. Please see ad on page 4 and our website for more details. www.MontanaSportsmansExpo.com 2007 GEORGIE BOY PURSUIT 3100DS CLASS A: 2 slides, only 17,680 miles, very clean and roomy, loaded, $29,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com SEEKINS PRECISION: We carry the newly redesigned PH3, Element M3, Element Hunter, and HIT Pro M3. Many calibers available, including the new 7mm Backcountry. Call for details, 406-890-5070. 2012 SPRINGDALE 210 TRAVEL TRAILER: With front queen walk-around bed, mid booth dinette, spacious kitchen, 2 rear bunks and rear bathroom. Very clean trailer, ready for your next adventure, $10,900. Call Steve 406-212-1208. FIREWOOD: Fir and larch, split, delivered, $300 cord or 2 cords for $575. KW Total Tree Service, Kraig Wood. Senior citizen and Veteran discounts. 406-260-6316. 2009 YAMAHA FX NYTRO MTX SNOWMOBILE 4-cycle, electric start, runs excellent, $7000. Columbia Falls. Mike, 406-253-1848 Windmill Storage & Business Park 2 Miles North of Airport on Hwy 2 manager@windmillstorage.com • 406-892-8900 Available Now! Enclosed Storage Units • Household • RV’s • Boats • With Lights and 14’ Automatic Doors Best in the Flathead 5 Years in a Row! 2018 HONDA PIONEER 4X4 Exceptional condition, very low hours/miles, WARN winch and plow, cab enclosure. Reduced to $8500 firm. Jim, 406-909-0556. 2740 Hwy 93 S • Kalispell, MT 406-755-5080 • www.s-scampers.com Hand Warmer w/3 Heat Modes - Up to 140°F • LED Light • Power Bank to Recharge/Power Your USB-Charged Devices • 10,000mAh Rechargeable Power Bank • 3 Heat Modes Up To 136°F • Max Run Time of 16 Hours • Integrated Storage Flap O ers Convenient Storage Space for Gear, Snacks and Drinks! HEATED STADIUM SEAT RECHARGEABLE 3-in-1 HAND WARMER Check Out Our New Line of Gear from THAW
Number 7 • February 13, 2025 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • Page 11 Come check out our latest Jeep build stacked with new Rough Country products. It’s not the one in the photo but it’s just as cool and we forgot to take pictures of it in time for this ad! 406-755-5080 2740 Hwy 93 S • Kalispell, MT www.s-scampers.com S&S at the Sportsman’s Expo! Feb 21-23 • Flathead County Fairgrounds SPORTS & RECREATION 2004 THOR WANDERER 255RK: Slide-out, private bedroom, walk-around queen, roomy kitchen, $7995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com REMINGTON 870 EXPRESS YOUTH SHOTGUN: Magnum 20-gauge, $400. Remington Model 700 BDL .270, with scope, $550. Henry Golden Boy Youth .22, $550. New in box. 406-890-3474. SMITH AND WESSON .44 COMBAT MAGNUM REVOLVER: Never fired! Leather holster and 2 boxes of ammo, $850 cash. Ron, 406-890-8249. OVER/UNDER SHOTGUN: TriStar .410, NIB, $550. New over/under Browning Cynergy Model CX, 12-gauge, NIB. Cost $2300, sell for $1800. 406-885-3677. PAYING CASH TOP DOLLAR FOR: Quality clean used RVs, travel trailers, fifth-wheels, tent trailers, truck campers. Call or text today! 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com FFL TRANSFERS: $15 first item, $5 each additional item on same transaction. 406-890-5070. 2016 FOREST RIVER SALEM 23RBS: Two slides, only 6000 lbs, queen bed, excellent condition! $17,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com BROWNING MODEL 71: Lever-action, new condition, .348 cartridge, $1300. 406-253-2095. 2021 BUSHWACKER 10 SS TEARDROP TRAVEL TRAILER: With queen bed, furnace, air conditioner and rear kitchen. Great small, lightweight RV (1500 lbs dry weight) that will be easy to get into those mountain hideaways, $9900. Call Steve, 406-212-1208. .22 ARC: Odin Works upper, Battle Arms lower, many extras, $1650. Ithica/SKB 12-gauge side-by-side shotgun with 30”, F/M, 2.75”, $1300. Kimber 1911 LW .45 ACP, $625. Custom Remington 700 .375 H&H with 3-9x Zeiss, many extras, $3000. Ruger .450 Bushmaster American Ranch, 16.5”, $350. 208-521-2170. PEDERSOLI BROWN BESS CARBINE: .75 cal, black powder, $1049.99. Parker Hale Enfield carbine, .58 cal, black powder, $999.99. Ruger Gunsite Scout, .308 WIN, $924.99. Polytech M14S with Burris scope, .308 WIN, $1299.99. Kimber 8400 Classic, .300 WSM, $1199.99. Yugo M57 Tokarev, 7.62x25, $359.99. Sign up for text pay! We’re easy to find. We take credit cards, make trades, take offers, do cash loans and buy items too! GOLD RUSH PAWN COMPANY, 1353 US Hwy 2 East in Kalispell, MT. At the junction of Hwy 2 East and MT 35 in Evergreen. www.goldrushpawn.com, 406-257-7296. Open 7 days a week. Find us on Facebook! 2019 JAYCO JAY FLIGHT 184BS: Slide, queen, bunks, under 3000 lbs! $13,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com 2004 SLED BED ALUMINUM TRAILER: ATV, snowmobile utility drive-on, drive-off, side loader, 8x8, new plywood on deck and ramps, new tires, $1100 OBO. Kraig, KW TREE, 406-260-6316. 6.5 GRENDEL WITH HOWA 1500 MINI-ACTION: Boyd’s right-hand thumbhole stock, glass bedded, $700. 406-465-7815. 2018 ROCKWOOD ULTRA LITE 33’ 5TH-WHEEL: Four seasons, three slides, two bathrooms! Excellent condition, $37,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com KORTH MONGOOSE .357 MAGNUM: With optional 9mm cylinder and 3” barrel, brand new and never shot, $5199. All FFL purchase rules apply. 406-890-5070. GET YOUR DECK READY FOR WARMER WEATHER: We do deck repairs, upgrades, complete rebuild, and custom deck builds. Give Western Rockies Construction LLC a call for a free deck inspection. Locally veteran-owned and operated. 406-871-8101. LOOKING FOR NEW FLOORS AND WANT TO DO IT YOURSELF? Come see the DIY experts at HOFFENBACKER’S DISCOUNT FLOORS AND MORE. We can help you do it right. Drive a little, save a lot! Located at 196 Sunrise Creek Loop, Columbia Falls. 406-892-2878, www.Hoffenbackers.com 2013 NORTHWOOD NASH DLX 23F: Four seasons, queen walk-around, built-in generator, $16,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com SUPPRESSORS: All major brands available and many in stock. Digital fingerprints and Form 4 done on-site at no additional cost. 406-890-5070. WANTED TO BUY Complete Cars & Trucks for scrap or parts $25 minimum for complete vehicles 892-8111 TRAILER SALES Manufacturing Company, Inc. 3445 Hwy 93 S • 406-257-5818 NEW SURELOCK SECURITY COMPANY CADET SERIES 12-GUN SAFE 45 minute fire rating. Still in original box, never been opened. Regularly $799.99, sell for $650. Frank, 406-210-3632. Advertise In The Call us at (406) 257-2251 for Advertising Information
2018 WINNEBAGO MICRO MINI 1808FBS TRAVEL TRAILER: With front bed, booth dinette in slide-out, residential-style kitchen and spacious rear bath. Very nice trailer, $13,900. Call Steve, 406-212-1208. 2016 ALLEGRO TIFFIN 34’ MOTORHOME: Like new. 406-253-5197, 406-755-5868. 2015 HIDEOUT 165LHS: Queen bed, 3200 lbs, lightweight and roomy, fully self-contained, $11,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com REMINGTON 700 SPS STAINLESS .300 WSM RIFLE: TriggerTech trigger, Leupold 30mm rings, ammo, $650. 406-212-1601 WINCHESTER MODEL 70 7mm MAGNUM: Walnut stock, Leupold 3-9x scope, hardcase, sling, bore snake, 98 rounds ammo, $1000 firm. 406-270-9092. COOPER MODEL 52 7mm MAG: 24” stainless barrel, NIB, $2500. Henry Single-Shot .350 Legend, $475. Savage B.MAG .17 WSM, with ammo, NIB, $450. Ruger American Rifle, FDE, .350 Legend, NIB, ammo, $500. 406-253-2834. MISSED YOUR DEER? RIFLE DIDN’T WORK? Don’t let the turkeys laugh at you too. Don’t get mad, get GRUMPY. Grumpy’s Gunsmithing. Located in scenic Columbia Falls. Calls only, 406-897-2567. 2017 ALPINE 5TH-WHEEL: Four slides, like new. 406-253-5197, 406-755-5868. 2011 FOREST RIVER SALEM T23: Slide, private bedroom, walk-around queen, very clean, $10,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com Page 12 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • February 13, 2025 • Number 7 2740 Hwy 93 S • Kalispell, MT 406-755-5080 • www.s-scampers.com BUILT LIKE A TRUCK. NOT LIKE A BOAT. FORGED FROM STAINLESS STEEL EVO SPORT FITS ALL JEEP GLADIATORS IN STOCK! • $4295 RSI SAVAGE MODEL 99 .308 WIN: Beautiful wood, bluing, bore. All exceptional, all original, $1200. CALLS ONLY, 406-253-2909. COMPETITIVE BASS FISHING: Conservation, Youth events. Affiliated with B.A.S.S., TBF/FLW, ABA. Monthly meetings. Call 406-261-3924. FREE FAMILY FISH DAY AT CHANCY & DAVE’S FISH CAMP: Saturday, February 22, at Lake Mary Ronan. 26th Annual Teena Frank Memorial ice fishing derby. Prizes will be awarded. CHANCY & DAVE’S FISH CAMP, 2211 US Hwy 2 E, Kalispell. 406-300-1695. RUGER REDHAWK .44 MAG: NIB, $970. Mossberg 500 field/utility combo, 12-gauge, NIB, $480. H&R Topper Deluxe, 12-gauge, VGC, $280. 406-212-0359. 2022 KEYSTONE HIDEOUT 177RD: Queen bed, large rear dinette & windows, solar installed, like new, $16,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com DIRT BIKES: GasGas 2023 MC 85 or 2023 105, big wheels or small wheels, take your pick, excellent condition, $4000 each. 406-885-3677. PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS IN NW MONTANA: We specialize in personal injury litigation and workers’ compensation. Call the attorneys at Travis, Moore & Brann, PLLP at 406-752-7550 for a free consultation. Tue - Fri, 10 AM- 6 PM • 2237 Hwy 2 East, Kalispell Archery Pro Shop Providing Quality Archery Equipment & Services! 406-752-0702 IT’S A PERFECT TIME TO GET YOUR BOW & ACCESSORIES TUNED UP FOR NEXT YEAR! BERGESON RV: Has a great selection of new & used travel trailers, 5th-wheels, motorhomes and truck campers that are all at winter clearance pricing. Call Steve, 406-212-1208 for details. SUPPRESSORS: All major brands available and many in stock. Digital fingerprints and Form 4 done on-site at no additional cost. 406-890-5070. 2016 FOREST RIVER R-POD 179 HOOD RIVER EDITION: Queen bed, slide, rear kitchen, only 2800 lbs, $14,995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com BUYING: Abandoned, unwanted, or junk vehicles, & tractors. Title preferred. Estate cleanup & auction services available. 406-212-2601. 1997 33’ PINNACLE CLASS A RV: Slide-out, needs minor work, 29K original miles, $7000 OBO. 406-295-9388. MONTANA TOBACCO QUIT LINE PROGRAM: Want to quit tobacco? The Montana Quit Line has free nicotine replacement therapy and free proactive cessation coaching sessions. 1-800-QUIT-NOW, https://montana.quitlogix.org/en-US/ 2003 CARSON FUNRUNNER TOY HAULER: 14’10” toy hauler area, 3200 lb cargo capacity, loft queen with 2 couch beds, $7995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com 2001 30’ INNSBRUCK 5TH-WHEEL Very clean, everything works, can deliver. Priced for quick sale, asking $3800. 406-871-5935 SPORTS & REC Do You Know Suicidal Behavior? Take our FREE 90-minute class to recognize someone in trouble and be able to o er a path to professional help. First Responders & Emergency Personnel • Families Veteran, Work, Social, Civic, Church, School & Community Groups... We Will Come to You! Flathead, Lake, Lincoln & Sanders Counties Trained & Certi ed Volunteer Veteran Instructors visit www.VCNWM.org or call 406-260-1954 Veterans Coalition of Northwestern Montana www.mountaintrader.com Easy to Use Upload Photos with Your Ad We Accept All Major Credit Cards Always Open Our Website Never Closes Place Ads Online 24/7
WESTERN OUTDOOR’S SPRING GAMBLERS’ SALE: Starting now through April 7, 2025. Additional savings on already marked-down products all spring long. See ad on page 5 for more details. Montana’s largest western retailer, open 7 days a week. WESTERN OUTDOOR, 48 Main Street, Kalispell. 406-756-5818. 2004 GMC YUKON DENALI SPORT: 6.0L Vortec V8, loaded with heated seats, in excellent shape, $6495. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com BUMPERS: Get a real bumper. See the line of Buckstop bumper-grill guards at CURRIER’S CERTIFIED WELDING, 406-752-2366. BUYING: Abandoned, unwanted, or junk vehicles, & tractors. Title preferred. Estate cleanup & auction services available. 406-212-2601. 2015 NISSAN JUKE: AWD, white, studded winter tires, summer tires mounted on black rims. 111K miles, $7000 OBO. 406-253-5893. 1959 FORD 671 TRACTOR: From museum, $2000. 1994 Chevy high top van, 161K miles, $2800. 208-571-1211, North Idaho. 1999 LAND ROVER: Needs minor work, auto, 4x4, great heater, drive it home, $1500. 406-250-5232. 2013 FORD F-150 FX4 OFF-ROAD: 3.5L Ecoboost V6, 153,000 miles, very clean, nice truck, $15,995. 406-309-5849, wildhorserv.com 2008 GMC ENVOY: 4-door, good condition, 141K miles, 4WD, $4000. Text 406-253-0252 if interested. 2001 FORD EXCURSION: 3-row seating, 5.4L motor, automatic, 4” lift, new tires and brakes, runs and looks great, $6500 or trade for pickup. 406-885-3677. FREE FAMILY FISH DAY AT CHANCY & DAVE’S FISH CAMP: Saturday, February 22, at Lake Mary Ronan. 26th Annual Teena Frank Memorial ice fishing derby. Prizes will be awarded. CHANCY & DAVE’S FISH CAMP, 2211 US Hwy 2 E, Kalispell. 406-300-1695. WHY NOT MAKE M&C TIRE YOUR TIRE STORE? Locally owned and operated since 1979. We have volume buying power, plus nationwide tire and repair warranties. We offer brake repair, oil changes, wheel alignment, maintenance and so much more. M&C TIRE, 1271 N Meridian, Kalispell. Open Monday-Friday, 8 AM-5:30 PM. 406-752-9662. www.MandCTire.com 1996 FORD HIGH TOP CONVERSION VAN: 250K miles, daily driver, $3400. Dan, 406-261-8004, after 7:30 PM. 1996 TOYOTA ENGINE: Must sell, give an offer! Have Honda snowblower too. Be creative! 406-361-1257. 2008 FORD F-150 SUPERCREW XLT 4X4: 5.4L V8, 154,000 miles, red, nice lumber rack and toolbox, $9995. 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com WANTED: 3.4L motor for 2008 Pontiac Torrent. Also need 5.4L for 1997 Ford Expedition. 406-314-1107. MONTANA SPORTSMAN’S EXPO AT THE FAIRGROUNDS: Is back February 21, 22, and 23, 2025. Please see ad on page 4 and our website for more details. www.MontanaSportsmansExpo.com POWDER COATING: The most durable metal coating available. POWDER COATING OF KALISPELL, 406-755-2628. PJ TRUCK FLATBEDS: Sales & installation. CURRIER CERTIFIED WELDING, 406-752-2366. 1968 CHEVY 327 ENGINE: $750. 406-249-6592. PAYING CASH TOP DOLLAR FOR: Quality clean used RVs, travel trailers, fifth-wheels, tent trailers, truck campers. Call or text today! 406-261-9244, wildhorserv.com 2007 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER: 4WD, good tires, 172K miles, clean interior, no body damage. New serpentine belt, power steering pump, front struts, rear shocks, spark plugs and brakes. Runs great, $7000. 406-253-2095. NEED ANY OLD PAPERS? For packing, fireplace starter or? Come see us at Mountain Trader. 1002 1st Avenue East, Kalispell. LOOKING FOR NEW FLOORS AND WANT TO DO IT YOURSELF? Come see the DIY experts at HOFFENBACKER’S DISCOUNT FLOORS AND MORE. We can help you do it right. Drive a little, save a lot! Located at 196 Sunrise Creek Loop, Columbia Falls. 406-892-2878, www.Hoffenbackers.com NORTH IDAHO ENERGY LOGS: Premium recycled 100% natural wood fiber pellets. A cleaner burning, energy efficient heating alternative. Go to www.NorthIdahoEnergyLogs.com to find a dealer near you. BOSS SNOWPLOWS & SANDERS: Selling and installing 2024-2025 line. CURRIER’S CERTIFIED WELDING, 406-752-2366. 2011 FORD F-150 FX4 OFF-ROAD: 5.0L V8, 150,000 miles, very clean, nice truck, $15,495. 406-309-5849, wildhorserv.com EUROPEAN CAR SPECIALISTS & FACTORY-TRAINED TECHNICIANS: On Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Land Rover, VW, Audi, Porsche, Mini Cooper, Sprinter vans and Volvo. For all repairs call CELTIC MOTORS, 406-755-2358. BUYING: Abandoned, unwanted, or junk vehicles, & tractors. Title preferred. Estate cleanup & auction services available. 406-212-2601. MONTANA TOBACCO QUIT LINE PROGRAM: Want to quit tobacco? The Montana Quit Line has free nicotine replacement therapy and free proactive cessation coaching sessions. 1-800-QUIT-NOW, https://montana.quitlogix.org/en-US/ 2019 ENCLOSED CARGO AND/OR CAR HAULER TRAILER: 8x24 Cargo Mate, beavertail rear ramp door. Asking $9650 OBO. Cash only! No holds! 1070 North Meridian, Kalispell. Ron, 406-890-8249. ronaldealbrecht@yahoo.com $1000 DOWN ’03 GMC YUKON SLE: 4x4, 4-dr SUV, 5.3L V8, Auto, 3rd-Row, Cloth, 194K Miles.......................$267/18 mos $1800 DOWN ’16 KIA SOUL +: FWD, 4-dr Hatchback, Cloth, Auto, 2.0L I4, Great MPG! Backup Camera, 197K Miles......................................................$311/30 mos ’13 FORD ESCAPE SEL: AWD, 4-dr SUV, Heated Leather, Panoramic Sunroof, Backup Camera, Navigation, 2.0L I4 Turbo, Auto, 199K Miles...............$311/30 mos ’13 MAZDA MAZDA3 SPORT: FWD, .....4-dr Hatchback, 6-Spd Manual, 2.4L I4, 72K Miles............$311/30 mos ’12 MINI COOPER COUNTRYMAN S: FWD, 4-dr Crossover, 6-Spd Manual, 1.6L I4 Turbo, Leather, Dual Sunroofs, 206K Miles.......$311/30 mos ’10 HONDA PILOT EX-L: AWD, 4-dr SUV, Heated Leather, Sunroof, Tow Package, Backup Camera, 3.5L V6, NEW TIMING & WATER PUMP, 166K Miles......$332/30 mos ’02 FORD F-150 XLT: 4x4, 4-dr Super Cab, Topper, Cloth, 5.4L V8, 192K Miles.........................$270/30 mos ’00 FORD RANGER XL: 4x4, 2-dr, Cloth, Auto, 4.0L V6, 164K Miles......................................$311/30 mos $3500 DOWN ’13 TOYOTA TUNDRA: 4x4, 4-dr Double Cab, Auto, 4.6L V8, Cloth, Tonneau Cover, 141K Miles......................................................$497/36 mos ’09 FORD F-250 SUPER DUTY XLT: 4x4, 4-dr Crew Cab, 6-Spd Manual, 6.8L V10, Cloth, 154K Miles......................................................$412/42 mos $2000 DOWN ’14 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO: 4x4, 4-dr SUV, Auto, 3.6L V6, NEW TIRES! 196K Miles...$317/36 mos We Buy Clean Vehicles, Trade-ins Welcome, Family Owned & Operated for 30 Years! 406-756-1344 • valleymotorsmt.com • 2227 Hwy 2 East, Kalispell $3000 DOWN ’17 CHEVY TRAX LT: AWD, 4-dr Crossover, 1.4L I4 Turbo, Leather, Sunroof, Remote Start, Backup Camera, 75K Miles.........................................................$411/40 mos $2200 DOWN ’17 CHEVY CRUZE PREMIER: FWD, 4-dr Hatchback, Heated Leather Seats, Remote Start, Backup Camera, Turbocharged 1.4L I4 , 37 MPG, 118K Miles......................................................$364/36 mos ’15 JEEP CHEROKEE TRAILHAWK: 4x4, 4-dr SUV, Auto, 3.2L V6 - ENGINE HAS ROUGHLY 140K, Leather, Sunroof, Backup Camera, Navigation, Tow Package, 206K Miles..........................$364/36 mos $1600 DOWN ’14 FORD FIESTA SE: FWD, 4-dr Sedan, Auto, Great MPG! 1.6L I4, 119K Miles................$242/36 mos ’13 DODGE JOURNEY SXT: FWD, 4-dr SUV, Cloth, Auto, 2.4L I4, 147K Miles............................$279/30 mos ’11 TOYOTA CAMRY SE: FWD, 4-dr Sedan, Cloth, Auto, 2.5L I4, Great MPG! 173K Miles....$296/36 mos ’09 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT: AWD, 4-dr SUV, Cloth, Auto, 3.6L V6, 24 MPG, 196K Miles.........$278/30 mos $2500 DOWN ’15 DODGE DURANGO SXT: AWD, 4-dr SUV, 3.6L V6, 3rd-Row, Cloth, Backup Camera 153K Miles......................................................$426/36 mos ’15 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO: 4x4, 4-dr SUV, Sunroof, Remote Start, Auto, 3.6L V6, 158K Miles......................................................$389/36 mos ’11 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LTZ: 4x4, 4-dr Ext Cab, Leather, Sunroof, Remote Start, Backup Camera, Tonneau Cover, Auto, 6.2L V8, 183K Miles......................................................$354/36 mos DEALS ON WHEELS Number 7 • February 13, 2025 • MOUNTAIN TRADER • Page 13 2001 DODGE DAKOTA 136K miles, 7.4L V8, cruise control, toolbox, exceptional condition, $8625 OBO. 406-253-4263, leave message. 2007 DODGE RAM Double cab, 8-cylinder, 4x4, $8500. Will consider reasonable offers only. 406-250-8200 WANTED TO BUY Complete Cars & Trucks for scrap or parts $25 minimum for complete vehicles 892-8111 For quality items. Tools, vehicles, furniture, equipment & more. GARDNER AUCTION SERVICE • 752-7682 SPECIALTY REBUILDERS REBUILT & NEW UNITS Custom rebuild of auto, antique, farm and construction equipment. “NO UNIT TOO OLD OR BURNT UP”. Plow and salt spreader motors, alternators, generators, regulators, starters, battery charger repair (6 to 48-volt on golf carts), scissor lift/boom lift equipment, DC motor repair on golf carts and scissor lifts and electric forklifts (up to 48-volt). Call Cliff, 406-897-2514, Columbia Falls. ENGINES • TRANSMISSIONS • WHEELS TIRES • BODY PARTS Buying junk vehicles running or not. We pick up anywhere in the Flathead Valley. Call today! 406-755-6009 1989 CHEVY BLAZER WITH PLOW Runs good, studded tires, title in hand, 134K miles, $4200. 406-871-9057 1990 FORD F-350 With Dana 60F & 14FFR, 351 Windsor with ZF5-42 transmission, $6100 OBO. 406-270-2281